How to install cPanel/WHM on CentOS 7

In this tutorial, we can check how to install cPanel on a CentOS 7 server. Before installing cPanel onto the server Perl must be installed. For that, login as root and run the given below command:

yum install perl -y

The next step is to set a host-name for the server. The host-name must be a fully qualified domain name. For example


It is to be noted that the hostname setup must be owned by the user. Next change the directory to /home, to run the following command:

cd /home

Download the following installation script:

curl -o latest -L

Run the installation script by executing the following command:

sh latest

This will start the installation. It’s going to take around half an hour to complete. After successful installation login to the WHM by http://serverip:2087

Login as root and enter the root password. Note to use https while accessing the WHM. For example

install cpanel


After login to WHM, you will be taken to the initial server setup.

install cpanel


Click on ‘I Agree/Go to Step 2’ and move on to the next step.

Step 2 takes you to the Setup Networking section. Fill out the contact email address to get the important notification regarding the server.

install cpanel


Moving on to the next section will take you to enter the hostname you own. If no change is needed, then ignore.

install cpanel


Next enter the DNS resolvers for your server. These are used to fetch the DNS entries of any websites. cPanel will automatically detect DNS resolvers if the service provider has. If not then use Google’s public DNS resolvers and or OpenDNS’s public DNS resolvers which are and

install cpanel


Next, choose the Main Network Device. The IP available on that device will be considered as the primary address of your server.

install cpanel

After the completion, click ‘Save & Go to Step 3’.

In step 3, you will set up IP addresses, where it allows the user to assign multiple IP addresses. To add a new one, enter the IP address in the IP address field. If there’s a collection of IP address then add multiple IP addresses using CIDR notations. Enter the Subnet Mask and select the network interface. Click on Add IP(s) to add IPs. The list of current IP address available to the server are listed down. To move forward with default settings then click on ‘Skip This Step’ and use default settings. After all the entries then click on ‘Go to Step 4’.

Step 4 takes you to Nameserver configuration. The recommended option is BIND. DNS cannot be allowed to run from the local server by clicking on the disable option.

install cpanel


In the next step, you can choose the name server which the server will use. You can use or Before that, you may need to create hostname in the domain control panel. Next, add A entries for the hostname by selecting Add “A Entries” for the Hostname checkbox.

install cpanel

Enter the IP address of the server and click on ‘Save & Go to Step 5’.

Step 5 is to set the FTP configuration, this can be chosen from 2 FTP applications. Pure-FTPD is the recommended FTP server. Dovecot is recommended for the mail configuration or you can disable the option for choosing the mail server.


Install cPanel


Next section comes with the cPHulk Brute Force Protection, where it’s also optional by checking the box to enable cPHulk. After turning on the cPHulk it provides different options. The Advanced settings help to set the figures for the login failure attempts made in the server.


Install cPanel

After all the configuration have been made, click on ‘Save & Go to Step 6’ button.

Step 6 is for enabling the file system quota. The recommended option is to select ‘Use file system quotas’ option. If that option is not selected then tracking the disk space consumed by each user won’t be possible.

Install cPanel


Clicking on ‘Finish Setup Wizard’ will complete the initial setup wizard. In the feature list, you can see the cPanel ID. This feature allows the user to login to cPanel with his cPanel ID. It also enables the user to login to multiple cPanels with a single user ID. Click’ No, thank you’ option to disable the feature.

Also, next comes with the cPhulk feature options where you can enable or disable them by clicking ‘No, thank you’ option.

Click on ‘Save Settings’ button to save the settings and go to WHM. You will now see the default home page of WHM.

If you need any further help, please contact our support department.

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